An ongoing feature on the TBBL web
site will include monthly
interviews with some of our
league members. Catching
up with Joe of the Stone
TBBL: Hello and thanks for
taking the time to be
interviewed. How are you doing
I’m doing great. I just finished
teaching 122 8th
graders about WWII.
TBBL: Please tell us a little
bit about yourself. Married?
Kids? Where did you grow up,
what college did you attend (if
you did), and where do you see
yourself in 10 years from now?
I was born and raised in Stone
Mountain, Georgia. I attended
and graduated from Georgia State
University in Atlanta with a
Criminal Justice degree. I
worked as probation officer for
six years, at which time I met
my wife. She was probably the
toughest, most stubborn woman I
had on my caseload. But, I
helped her straighten things out
and she is a model citizen now.
I got tired of the probation
officer gig, so I turned to
another government job and
became a school teacher. I have
taught 8th grade at
the same middle school in
Georgia for 14 years. I have two
stellar boys, ages 10 and 12. My
oldest attends the school where
I teach. I’m looking forward to
being in the same building as my
sons as they venture through the
Middle School experience. I also
attended North Georgia College
and University, where I
gained a master’s degree in
Mathematics. Oh, I’m kidding
about my wife, she was not on my
caseload, she was a co-worker.
And, that stuff about her being
tough and stubborn, bogus also.
Mama didn’t raise no fool.
All I know is 10 years of time
goes by really fast. I’d rather
think about today, partly
because my boys will be full
grown men in 10 years. I really
want to soak up this time the
best I can.
TBBL: Do you have any players on
the trading block currently or
are you looking to acquire any
specific position?
I could turn all 40 players
TBBL: Can you tell us a little
about your home town?
I grew up in Stone Mountain,
Georgia. Stone Mountain’s
greatest claim to fame is that
it’s named after the largest
piece of exposed granite
monolith in the world. Also, it
has the largest carving in the
world. The carving depicts
three Confederate leaders riding
horses, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall
Jackson and Jefferson Davis.
Hence, my team name. It’s a neat
place to visit. There is a trail
that allows for walking to the
top of the mountain. Being that
it’s the highest point in metro
Atlanta, one can see for miles
in all directions from its
summit. The Atlanta skyline is
easily noticeable. It is much
more commercialized now then
when I grew up. It is a state
park that is privately operated,
so it is starting to take on the
traits of an amusement park.

Stone Mountain is also the
hometown of several former and
current big leaguers: Wally
Joyner, Milt Hill, Brandon
Phillips, Chris Nelson, and
Dominic Brown. Also, the
greatest college kicker and
Georgia Bulldog and Chicago Bear
Kevin Butler hails from Stone
TBBL: Shifting to the MLB now,
who's your favorite team and
Atlanta Braves, without
question. Since Stone Mountain
is about 20 miles east of
Atlanta, I have followed the
Braves since the early 70’s. My
friends use to give me a hard
time as a teenager when I would
pull for the Braves during their
lean years. They are all on the
bandwagon now. The Braves, of
course, are the only
professional sports team to
bring a championship to Atlanta.
I thought the Falcons were on
the brink of a championship
team, but they were humbled a
bit in 2013.
TBBL: Which baseball stadiums
have you visited and which is
your favorite?
I have seen games at
Atlanta-Fulton County, Turner
Field and several minor league
parks. I’m not exactly well
TBBL: Who is your favorite
baseball player, both current
and all time?
Dale Murphy (all-time)-
Childhood baseball hero.
Currently, Craig Kimbrel is my
favorite. It was Martin Prado
before the Braves shipped him to
the Diamondbacks. A non-brave
cannot reign at the top of my
TBBL: Are there any trades in
the TBBL you wished you made or
any you regret?
Plenty that I regret- I Traded
Johan Santana in his prime to
Greg W. for Mark Mulder, Jose
Guillen and a couple of top
prospects that fizzled. I also
traded Adam Wainwright to Rob
before the beginning of 2012
season as he was coming back
from TJ for a 2nd and
3rd round pick. I
later in 2012 traded away, to
Rob again, one of the guys I
took with those picks, Taijuan
Walker, for Bobby Parnell and
Mike Dunn. What can I say, I
needed arms in the pen! Horrific
moves!!! These were moves that
would get a real GM the boot,
although Jose Guillen was a
terrific player for me. He
always drastically outperformed
his MLB stats.
Best moves- I traded for Chipper
Jones several years ago for
Stephen Drew and Ian Stewart.
Yunel Escobar for Matt Capps
helped my team the last few
TBBL: What is your favorite
movie of all time?
I have 4 favorite movies. Jaws
as a thriller had the most
impact on me as a kid. Hoosiers,
I believe is the greatest sports
movie of all-time, Smokey and
the Bandit as a comedy, and It’s
a Wonderful Life as “I feel good
movie” take their place at the
top of my list.
TBBL: Tell us something about
yourself that may surprise us.
I’m a city councilman and mayor
pro-tem in the town where I
TBBL: Who do you have the
biggest rivalry with in the TBBL
and why?
I would say it’s probably with
the Eagles now that the Saints
are gone, only because I’m
always chasing Eagles.